Pmr 30 Ammo - Kel-Tec PMR-30: 3 Minutes Explained - The Kel-Tec PMR-30 is a rarity among handguns on the market today: a revolver with more than seventeen rounds of ammunition. The PMR-30 actually holds thirty rounds, and does so with some clever engineering that reduces it to an attractively lightweight package for casual shooters, backcountry shooters, or home defense enthusiasts.
High-capacity rifles have traditionally been a more complex engineering proposition. The first, if not the first, was the World War I Luger P08 with a thirty-two round drum. The Luger drum magazine was heavy and cumbersome, designed to produce enough ammunition to clear trenches, and was dropped from German arsenals soon after the war. The next major breakthrough came decades later, in the early 1980s, when the Glock 17 came on the market with a seventeen-round, 9mm Luger magazine.
Pmr 30 Ammo
The Kel-Tec PMR-30 blows all other rifles out of the water with their bullets. The rifle holds thirty rounds of the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR) cartridge in its double-stack magazine. That's five times the capacity of a conventional revolver, four times the capacity of an M1911A1 pistol, and 70 percent more ammunition than a Glock 17.
My Kel Tec Pmr 30 Is Reliable Friends.
All of this comes at a price: the PMR can hold five times more rounds than the Smith & Wesson 686 revolver, and the .22 WMR is more capable of disabling targets than the .357 Magnum. That said, guns are very different and there are different reasons for owning each.
The PMR-30 is a relatively new (at least for firearms) sleek looking autoloader pistol. Introduced in 2011, it has an overall length of 7.9 inches and a barrel made of 4140 steel that is 4.3 inches long – typical for pistols in its size class. Thanks to the use of polymers, the Kel-Tez is only fourteen ounces unloaded. By comparison, the Glock 17 weighs twenty-two ounces unloaded. Almost the entire exterior of the rifle is made of polymer, the slide is reinforced with Zytel 4140 steel.
The rifle has fiber optic sights with an orange dot on the rear and a yellow dot on the front. The manufacturer describes the trigger as being in the five-pound range, and one reviewer describes the trigger pull as having a short but "squishy" reset. Unlike other American-designed pistols, the magazine release is located on the sole, making it ambidextrous. An under-barrel rail allows popular accessories to be mounted, including a flashlight or aiming laser.
The PMR-30 has an integrated safety system consisting of a safety lever at the base of the frame that can be reached with the thumb. Pushing it to the "safe" position disengages the trigger from cocking and prevents the hammer from falling. The safety can only be engaged after the hammer is fully cocked, and the gun can be carried or stored in the "cocked and locked" position.
Kel Tec Cmr 30, By Pat Cascio. Cmr 30 Specifications
Kel-Tec's high-capacity pistol is generally described as very reliable, with one reviewer reporting that its review tool put nearly 700 rounds through it without a single misfire. Another reviewer claimed "The .22 Magnum exhibits good muzzle blast, but recoil is negligible."
One major drawback of the .22 WMR pistol is the ability to hit multiple targets, even for novice shooters. High-caliber rifles create considerable recoil, making it difficult to fire consecutive shots. A low-recoil gun opens up multiple wound channels, making it easier to plant more bullets where desired.
Another reason to choose the PMR-30 is if a person is afraid of guns and gun recoil but wants a firearm as a self-defense weapon. A soft-firing rifle like the PMR-30 makes recoil less of a concern for someone who is afraid of recoil, and makes that person more confident in their shooting skills - especially in stressful situations.
The PMR-30 is light enough to pack and forget, then punch through soda cans in a friendly shooting match. It's a reliable, low-recoil gun, and its large ammunition capacity can give the user confidence that it can survive long-term shooting without reloading. From recreational shooting to self-defense, Kel-Tec's pistols can fill several niches and offer a little something for everyone.
Kel Tec Pmr 30: A Second Look
Kyle Mizokami is a defense and national security writer based in San Francisco. His work has appeared in Popular Mechanics, Esquire, The National Interest, Car and Driver, Men's Health, and many others. He is the founder and editor of the blogs Japan Security Watch, Asia Security Watch, and War Is Boring. A few years ago one of our Midsouth employees asked an FFL friend to find him a Kel-Tec PMR-30, long story short it was recommended at the time. He bought one for $600. Now, at a much better price, The Shot Report email readers have a chance to win our giveaway.
Besides the joy of getting something cool for free, there's a lot more to the PMR-30 pistol. So to fill you in on some of the best things about this pistol, we've compiled a list of ten of the best things about Kel-Tec's PMR-30, and we wish you the best of luck when it comes time to sign. for her.
Ammunition for the PMR-30 is available, if only recently available. Many shooters love the same size FivesevN pistol, but the only 5.7 rounds that run that pistol will make the big bucks in your pocket the PDQ small plate. The PMR-30, on the other hand, is chambered for the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire, offering a wide range of load availability and prices. We currently list 14 different .22 WMR packages from CCI, Hornady and Federal in 30, 40, 45, 50 and 52 grain bullet or shot loads. You can shoot this surprisingly powerful round for under 20 cents (actually 19.88 cents/round for Federal FMJ 40 grain load #129-737).
The first reaction of most shooters who handle the PMR-30 is, "It's so light, it feels like a toy." The rifle and magazine together, unloaded, weigh just over a pound and come in at 20.2 ounces with a full complement of 40-grain cartridges.
Kel Tec Pmr 30, Semi Automatic, .22 Magnum, 4.3\
You can shoot him. Our staff fired about 1,000 rounds through a single PMR-30 and everyone who shot it loved it. But Kel-Tec says, "The PMR-30 pistol performs well with high-powered ammunition, typically 40-grain bullets and above. This includes, but is not limited to: CCI Maxi Mag 40gr, Winchester Super-X 40gr, Remington Premier Magnum 33gr Also, as Kel-Tec notes, “Low-capacity ammunition and/or light bullets can cause feeding problems due to insufficient energy to fully rotate the slide. The following are currently underpowered and may not fire reliably in the PMR-30 pistol, especially if the grip is not firmly gripped: Winchester Dynapoint 45gr, Winchester Supreme 30gr.
Capacity. The "full addition" mentioned above is 30 + 1 rounds. Start drawing on the first of the month and continue drawing throughout the month. If you want to delete and don't have empty circles in your bag, encrypt this:
We added three steel magazines to the two polymer mags purchased with the pistol, giving 150 rounds in the magazines, or the neat equivalent of three 50-round boxes.
The PMR-30 uses a double-stack magazine, and loading 30 rounds into it takes time, and holding pressure to the cartridges to load 30 rounds will tire your arm. Download tools are available and recommended to make this process easier. Just do an online search for "PMR-30 download tool" and several sources will pop up.
Keltec Pmr30 Full Review And Clear Ballistics
The trigger is a precise action that stops the overtravel. Our staff PMR-30 trigger breaks in at 3.9 pounds, with no creep and clean reset.
Another favorite feature of the PMR-30 is the fiber optic orange rear sight and green fiber optic front sight. Even beginners can understand and see how to line up three dots and they are very visible in almost any target color. In fact, the color scheme excels in low light conditions.
Bright sights and a good trigger translate to very good accuracy. At 15 yards with the Winchester Dynapoint 45 grain JHPs, we could shoot 2-inch balls from the sandbags, but the average ball size was closer to 2.5 inches. Our older version also looks like the Remington Magnum Rimfire 40-gr. PSPs come in at about 2.7 inches as an average group.
The PMR-30 produces surprising power and passability. Super-X 22 WMRs are rated at 1910 fps/324 ft.-lbs muzzle velocity/muzzle energy. from the rifle barrel and the PMR-30 itself, we got 1339 fps / 159 ft. lbs., a reduction of only 30%. In Ballistic Technology's waxy, easy-to-use Handgun Bullet tubes, we were able to accurately measure wound cavity penetration and size. We installed the 11-inch-long, 3.5-inch-wide Handgun test tubes end to end. The Remington PSP had enough power to punch a quarter-inch hole 4 inches deep (15 inches total penetration) into the second tube.
Kel Tec Pmr 30 Installation Service For M*carbo Performance Parts
We tested ten .22 WMR models at Kel-Tec for performance and reliability. We did not experience any functional issues with any of the 10 brands. In some
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