Pmr 30 Reviews - The Kel-Tec PMR-30 is a rarity among rifles on the market today: a pistol with a magazine that holds more than seventeen rounds. The PMR-30 actually holds thirty rounds, and it does so with some clever engineering that reduces it to a lightweight package that appeals to casual shooters, illegal shooters, or people interested in home defense firearms.
High-capacity rifles have traditionally been a difficult engineering proposition. The first, if not one of the first, was the WWI Luger P08 with a thirty-two round drum. The drum-magazine Luger was intended to provide enough firepower to clear trenches, was heavy and heavy, and fell out of German arsenals soon after the war. The next major advance came decades later, when the Glock 17—with its seventeen-round, 9mm Luger magazine—hit the market in the early 1980s.
Pmr 30 Reviews
The Kel-Tec PMR-30 blows all other rifles out of the water in combat capacity. The rifle's double-stack breech holds thirty rounds of .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR) ammunition. That's five times more bullets than a typical revolver, four times more than an M1911A1 pistol and 70 percent more ammunition than a Glock 17.
Kel Tec Pmr 30/cmr 30/cp33 Flat Trigger Upgrade
However, all this comes at a price: while the PMR can hold five times more fire than a Smith & Wesson 686 revolver, the .22 WMR is much less capable of incapacitating a target than the .357 Magnum. That said, guns are completely different and there are different reasons for owning each.
The PMR-30 is a relatively new, sleek looking autoloader pistol. Released in 2011, it has an overall length of 7.9 inches and a 4140 steel barrel length of 4.3 inches, which is typical for a gun in its size class. It weighs just fourteen ounces empty, thanks to Kel-Tec's use of polymers. By comparison, the Glock 17 weighs twenty-two ounces unloaded. Almost the entire exterior of the weapon is made of polymer, and the slide is made of Zytel hardened 4140 steel.
The gun has fiber optic sights with orange high sight dots at the rear and yellow dot at the front. The trigger is described by the manufacturer as being in the five-pound range, and the trigger pull is described by one reviewer as having a short but “dry” recoil. Unlike other American designed guns, the magazine release is on the heel, making it ambidextrous. A rail under the barrel allows for the attachment of popular accessories, including a flashlight or targeting laser.
The PMR-30 has an integral safety system consisting of a safety lever at the bottom of the frame that can be reached with the thumb. Placing it in the "safe" position relieves the trigger from activating the choke, which prevents the hammer from falling. The safety can only be activated when the hammer is fully cocked, so that the weapon can be carried or stored in the “closed-locked” position.
Kel Tec Pmr 30: A .22 Magnum For The Masses
Kel-Tec's high-capacity pistol is generally described as very reliable, with one reviewer indicating that his review gun went through nearly 700 rounds without incident. Another reviewer stated that recoil is "no big deal, though the .22 Magnum exhibits a healthy muzzle blast."
One of the main drawbacks of the .22 WMR pistol is its ability to get multiple shots on target, even for novice shooters. Higher caliber rifles produce a significant amount of recoil, which makes it difficult to hit a target in succession. A low-recoil gun makes it easier to plant more shots where you want them, opening up multiple wound channels.
Another reason to choose the PMR-30 is if a person is generally afraid of guns and recoil, but wants a firearm as a means of self-defense. A soft-shooting rifle like the PMR-30 will generate less anxiety for someone who fears recoil, making that person more confident in their shooting skills - especially in high-stress situations.
The PMR-30 is light enough to pack and forget, then put holes in soda cans in a friendly firefight. It is a reliable, low-recoil weapon whose large ammo capacity gives the user confidence that it can fire for extended periods of time without reloading. A Kel-Tec pistol can perfectly fill many niches, from fun shooting to self defense, offering a little something for everyone.
Kel Tec Pmr 30 .22 Magnum Semi Auto 30+1 Capacity Gray Frame
In 2009, he founded the defense and security blog Japan Security Watch. You can follow him on Twitter:
Rep. Rob Wittman credits the Navy for 150 aircraft, light amphibious "Island Hopping" and "Forward Presence" against China.
By Peter Hewes - Warrior Senior Nuclear Weapons Analyst, Senior Fellow - Warrior Maven, Atlantic Council, Hudson Institute January 2, 2023 I used to work at a gun store that catered to an elderly clientele. Retirees were our #1 source of customers, and they often came in looking for a defensive pistol. We were going to start with a Glock 19 or something like that, but the slide handling would be too much for older hands. We would then move on to revolvers, but the 10+ pound triggers on this gun were too much. That's when I handed them a review of the KelTec PMR-30.
Don't get me wrong, the PMR-30 is a great little rifle for just about anyone. It's light (very light), has great triggers, is fun to shoot, doesn't really recoil, and holds 30 rounds in each magazine. What is not to love such a weapon? All of these features make the Kel-Tec PMR-30 an excellent defensive pistol for people who cannot safely operate more conventional pistols. Moreover, out of all the guns I've ever shot, this is probably my favorite gun for range. Let me explain why.
Keltec Pmr 30 Od Green 22 Mag 2 Mags 4.33in
The PMR-30 is a great example of Kel-Tec's innovative approach to firearms. The pistol is very light. Unload it, it weighs less than a pound, just 14 ounces. In fact, a fully loaded PMR-30 with an additional 30-round magazine loaded weighs about the same as a loaded Glock 19. One of the reasons for this light weight is that the gun makes extensive use of polymers, including the slide parts. The trigger is also light, pulling just 3.5 pounds in our tests.
Getting a rimfire cartridge like the .22 Magnum to work in a magazine semi-automatic pistol can be a challenge. The edges of each cartridge can overlap, causing misfeeds. The PMR30 solves this issue by creating a feeding guide in the magazine that allows the rounds to fit properly inside. Speaking of those magazines, while they can hold 30 rounds, loading that many is a challenge. The spring that carries each round into the firing chamber of the PMR30 is very strong. Getting new rounds into the magazine becomes progressively more difficult, putting an effective cap of 20 or more rounds into the magazine until these springs loosen over time.
The innovation of the Kel-Tec PMR-30 doesn't stop with its magazine and what it's made of. The muzzle energy of .22 Magnum ammunition can vary greatly, meaning that the PMR30's action must be able to work reliably with everything from low-powered buckshot to high-strength hunting and personal defense ammunition. The PMR30 uses a unique hybrid action system that allows it to fire smoothly with all types of .22 Magnum ammunition. At higher pressures, the barrel of the gun moves back slightly with the slide, like a traditional bolt action. When firing low-pressure loads, the PMR-30 acts like a shotgun, and the barrel does not move while the slide is engaged.
The PMR30's controls are well laid out and placed where you'd expect, with one exception. The extended length of the .22 Magnum cartridge compared to, say, a 9mm, means that the barrel must be longer than most pistols. This in turn means that the hand must be longer back than most weapons. Here's where it gets weird.
Kel Tec Pmr 30 (.22 Wmr) Titanium Cerakote With Fiber Optic Sights
The grip on the KelTec PMR30 is unlike any pistol grip you've ever shot. Because of the length of the .22 Magnum round, it is very long back to front. This length makes it nearly impossible to wrap your fingers around the grip like a regular pistol. Surprisingly, a heavy grip on this gun doesn't really affect your accuracy, due to the fact that the .22 Magnum has very little recoil.
And let's face it, while the .22 Magnum is an unusual choice for a semi-automatic pistol, it actually makes a lot of sense. Ammo is easy to find, cheap to shoot, and available in a variety of bullet types. It is also a surprisingly effective defense caliber. There are several different JHP rounds available in .22 Magnum, with muzzle energies that place them between the .22LR and 9mm. The bottom line is that I wouldn't feel out of place carrying a PMR-30 on a walk in the woods or using it as a self-defense weapon in my home.
To test the accuracy of the KelTec PMR-30, we fired four five-shot groups of two different types of .22.
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