Fort Shafter Thrift Shop - Forta! People come to the thrift store to sell their bags.
The line of shoppers waiting to get into the store was a new experience for Fort Shafter thrift store manager Laura Albanese.
Fort Shafter Thrift Shop
"Usually I open the door and people come in before the end of the day. Today was the first time I remember people waiting on the other side of the door," Albanese said.
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During the two-day sale, patrons can fill a paper bag with Thrift Shop (TSP) items for $5. Service members E-4 and below receive their first bag free.
According to Albanese, one of the reasons the Fort Shafter thrift store sells bags is to get rid of some merchandise.
In addition to providing space for incoming goods, bag sales can be a great source of revenue for the store.
Hui O' Wahine Fort Shafter thrift store representative Lisa Seward said the bag sale was a success.
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"They do a good job at bag sales and bring in a different crowd than our typical customers," Seward said.
Albanese confirmed that the Fort Shafter Thrift Store sold 112 bags of merchandise during the two-day bag sale. He said there are many new faces. For the past two days, people have been advising their friends and neighbors to come out.
"I've heard of bag sales, but I usually shop thrift store once a month," Chitka said.
Another sponsor, Myra Venejas, was buying bag sales to donate clothes to the Philippines for disaster relief.
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Holiday products will hit store shelves next week. The store has beautiful furniture, including twin beds and antiques, and stocks a wide range of baby items.
Also, Fort Shafter Thrift Store has started selling eco-friendly cloth bags. Cloth bags are available at the shop for $3 each.
Hui O' Wahine is the main fundraiser for the Fort Shafter Husbands Club, and volunteers are always welcome at the Fort Shafter Thrift Shop. Funds are used by Hui O' Wahine for charities and scholarships.
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